Are you thinking of applying for an instant personal loan? This could be a good decision in case you are in any kind of financial trouble. There are many situations in life when you need instant money to tide over unexpected problems.
You can in such a scenario, apply online for instant personal loan. There are some key benefits of instant personal loan which have been listed below:
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Convenience for the applicant is one of the key advantages of instant personal loan which attracts people towards this kind of loan. You can apply for this from home only. Most of theinstant personal loan lenders have come up with mobile applications that allow users to apply for such loans in minimal time. This makes it convenient for the applicant too and they can avail the loan easily.
Minimum documentation
Borrowers who seek instant personal loan have to deal with minimum documentation. Since the loan is processed online, it saves time and paper too. In case of a regular loan, repeated visits to the bank have to be made which are nowhere in the case of the loan being applied online.
Easy options for repayment
Earlier the repayment for such online loans was done through cheques but now the facility of online repayment has also started. Online lenders have developed a customized repayment system in which the automatic debit of the EMI amount is also allowed.
Decent interest rates
Loan amount ranging from Rs 25,000 to Rs 10 Lakh can be availed online. The interest rate which is usually charged in case of such loans ranges from 10% to 29% depending upon the loan amount. Though this is a bit higher than the normal bank loan, a factor worth considering here is that such loans are offered instantly and can help you deal with any kind of financial emergency instantly.
The privacy of the customer is of utmost significance and online lenders have realized this point. They use the personal information of the user only for the purpose of the loan assessment. This information is not shared with anyone.
The bank-level security is used in case of online loans too and the data is kept safe with 128 bit SSL encryption. Thus, borrowers can be assured that their information is safe and it will not be misused in any case.
Easy to get the best deals
The entire process of loan sanctioning is done online. It is easy for the borrower to check out different exciting online loan deals since the different players in this market list all the information online. Help from customer care executives can also be sought and they will be readily available to customize the loan amount as per the need of the borrower.
EMI Calculation made easy
For people who are not very good at math, understanding the dynamics of EMI calculation is a tough task. In cases, when the loan is applied through the bank, the loan sanctioning officer does his or her own calculations and comes up with the EMI amount that the applicant would have to pay.
This, however, is not the case when it comes to online loan processing. Online loan lenders offer the facility of online EMI calculator where indicators like the loan amount and duration of the loan have to be filled. Thereafter, the EMI calculator comes up with the expected EMI amount. This makes it fairly easy for any borrower to understand the nature of monthly instalments he would have to pay on the loan amount.
Check out these benefits before you apply for the loan and get the best deal from the market.